Campus Ministries
On-Campus Activities
Many SVA students spend time worshiping together in small groups. In the dorm lobbies, in the classroom hallways, in the Student Center, after Friday night Vespers, or in classrooms, it is common to see students praying together. Bible study may be especially meaningful when students are studying with their peers. We encourage and provide opportunities for students and/or staff to grow together in developing their relationship with Jesus.
In addition, several staff members conduct Bible studies in their homes and in the dorms. There is always an active baptismal Bible study group going. Adventist Youth meetings are conducted once a month and students plan and conduct a Week of Prayer in January each year.
Out-reach Activities
Our students are very involved in reaching out to the people of our communities in need of food, clothing, and other physical necessities. We also visit local nursing homes each month to sing and pray with senior citizens there. FLAG Camp (Fun Leaning About God) is a ministry our students provide for the children of a local town on Sabbath afternoons. The children listen to Bible stories, play games, and build relationships with our students.
Campus Families
Every SVA student belongs to a Faculty Family. Our Faculty Family program is an integral part of the SVA experience in achieving our second objective — Relationships. Campus families meet for 10 minutes each day, Monday-Thursday, to pray together, share a spiritual thought, and bond as a family. In addition, faculty families meet for Friday vespers once a year and do a fun Saturday night activity together once a year. The Faculty Family parent is available for counseling or other family needs.
Weeks of Prayer
Two times a year our student body, faculty, and staff meet for a week of spiritual emphasis. In the fall and spring we have a guest speaker. The most rewarding is the student led Week of Prayer in the winter. At this time, students share their experience with Jesus. In addition, our students often lead weeks of prayer at local elementary schools.
Mission Trips
Each year SVA Campus Ministries sponsors a mission trip. In past years we have traveled to Argentina, Peru, Fiji, Mexico, Navajo Nation, Appalachia, Panama, and Guatemala.